Monday, September 12, 2011

I buy my juice

This week in Colombia it was English week in the schools so all of the kids came running to me to help translate their homework and all of that nonesense. One of my converts started to sing this song "I buy my juice, i buy my juice." I was like what in the world are you singin, i have never heard that song, and she didnt understand what she was singin, after like 10 minutes of talkin to her i was trying to translate it, so i started singin it and translated it to "yo compro mi jugo yo compro mi jugo haha!!" She was like, well thats the stupidist song in the world, then she sang more of the song and i figured it out that she was tryin to sing "we are the champions" haha!! So i finally could help here a bit so now we always have a good laugh at each other. I buy my juice my friend!! haha! What a killer song right!! Then I am teachin my comp english he is very determined to learn to speak. We had interviews with President about 3 weeks ago and President told him that English is the language of the prophets. He wants to listen to conference in English next year, so he is practicing alot of English with me, but he has a hard time pronouncing Bad, Butt, and Back haha!! He was tryin to tell me that this lady had Bad hair, but instead he told me the she had Butt hair!! I was like, Elder what are you talkin about!! How can you tell!! Then after while I understood he was tryin to say she had Bad hair haha!! So now I always tease him and ask him, hey, does she have butt hair, or how about her!! haha!! I died laughin!! It was hilarious!! To just be walkin and to hear him say this i got caught off gaurd!! haha!! We had another killer week here!! Workin our booties off but we are making some progress!! We have a huge fan club going on here!!! Its really fun and a bit hard to be in an area as long as I have. I have more than 7 months here in Patio Bonito but its because we work hardcore here and put people in the water everyday!! haha!! But i love my investigators here!!! They are all progressing so well!! I love that I see this grand change in the hearts and lifes of the people here!! Its super awesome!! The problem is is that nobody is married and we have a hard time to get married!! I forget who sings it but when ever we tell people to get married and I always sing to them that song, if you like it then you better put a ring on it!! haha!! But we are getting some of them married!! It is super difficult!! hopefully we will have one marriage this month!! and another one or two next month!! but here we go!! its hardcore!! Its like my family has grown here so much!! I we have over 70 investigators here!! Its super hardcore!! We have a blast with all of them!! Its like every single one of them are part of the family!!! Ya, we play alot i will be honest, but its because we work our tails off!! We have like a huge fan club here!!! We put another baptism date for the beginning on October!! We deal with some very heavy things here!! I never thought that i would deal with things like this in my life!!! We teach all the people that listen to us!!! I feel so much stronger now that i ever have!! Yes i am skinnier than i have ever been i have lost almost 15 lbs. This year i'm now 175!! I lost so much weight!! But i feel more stronger than ever!! I am starting to finally understand how to receive revelation and use it!! God loves us!! He wants us to come to Him but he cannot take away our free agency!! But he can send influences and messengers to put us in the right path!! We see some hardcore things here, we deal with some hardcore situations here!! Preach my Gospel doesnt say anything about the things that we do here!!! When we have exchanges and i go to other areas everyone wants to come to our areas to meet our investigators or to see all the problems here in Patio. There is not a day that something weird doesnt pass by us!! haha!! But because this part is so corrupt we have to stay sharp with the doctrine and keep our testimonies strong!! Its an intense area here!! We proclaim alot of repentance here!! I used to be a very passive kind of kid, but now im starting to understand to teach with power and authority!! Its awesome!! I have been studyin the stories of Captain Moroni, Abinadi, Npehi, and Helaman and studying their testimonies and how they proclaimed it. I am trying to implement their tactics in my teaching!! Doin this I have found how to recieve revelation, and to understand the waves of Revelation. It doesnt always come as bright as day at times but it does come!!! God gives us revelation to help bring His Children home!! Thats why Elder Oquendo and i have the moto WE DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN!! haha!! Yes my moto of my life stays the same!! haha! But we had a good week of receiving revelation. We are going under some hardcore reconstruction in our area! We are going to make some big changes here and change this Ward. We have some bomb ideas!! We will see how it all goes!! Patio Bonito is super poor and corrupt. There are alot of suffering people and people that need alot of help and we are here and anxious to give it to them!! We met this guy who was super messed up, lookin for the meanin of life. We taught him about the atonement of Jesus Christ the first lesson and we gave him the homework to pray and to talk to God and he would recieve an answer!!! He didnt pray when he went to bed, but he said that something woke him up at 3 in the mornin and he prayed at 3 in the mornin and he felt happy and joy for the first time in a long time!! He was so happy that he started to cry. He told us this the next day and we put a baptismal date with him for October. He went to Church this week and loved it!! We are excited for him, he is going through a huge change!! Its awesome!! The Work is goin forward!! Christ lives and he has sent the young and willing servants to do His will! Love ya all! Elder Hammer

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